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作者:紅寶電容 來(lái)源:http://m.315index.cn 日期:2020-08-13 10:03 瀏覽


  A new energy storage unit, traditional sintered brick "transformed" super capacitor. After charging, these "smart bricks" can store electric energy like batteries and supply power to other devices at any time, which is an important step in the field of multi-purpose value-added building materials.


  For thousands of years, fired brick has been used as building material, rarely for other purposes. This kind of brick is made from clay, shale, coal gangue or fly ash by molding and roasting at high temperature. It is used to build load-bearing and non load-bearing walls, which is the most familiar red brick.


  Let this red brick "transform" into a super capacitor energy storage device. Using the porous structure of the brick, a layer of conductive polymer named PEDOT was added to the whole brick by using the vapor deposition technology to make the brick become an energy storage electrode.


  Because of the red pigment of brick, iron oxide (rust), it is very important to induce polymerization. The team used a proof of concept device to demonstrate that a light-emitting diode (LED) can be charged directly with a brick.


  According to the team's calculations, the walls of these energy storage bricks will be able to store a lot of electricity. This work may bring enlightenment to the development of multi-purpose value-added building materials with power storage function.


  Before that, the idea of using building materials for power supply was mostly "power supply floor tiles" - that is, special floor tiles should be applied to traffic sections with large amount of trampling. Floor tiles can save the collected energy into polymer lithium batteries, which can be used for street lamp lighting, speaker, sidewalk alarm, signs, advertising and other fields.

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