
作者:紅寶電容 來源:http://m.315index.cn 日期:2020-10-09 10:39 瀏覽


  Solid state electrolytic capacitor has the advantages of environmental protection, low impedance, high and low temperature stability, high ripple resistance and high reliability. It is the highest level product in the current electrolytic capacitor products, and is also the preferred electrolytic capacitor model for many buyers. What is the price of solid-state electrolytic capacitor?


  Solid state capacitor is called solid-state aluminum electrolytic capacitor. The biggest difference between solid-state capacitor and common capacitor (i.e. liquid aluminum electrolytic capacitor) is the use of different dielectric materials. The dielectric material of liquid aluminum capacitor is electrolyte, while the dielectric material of solid-state capacitor is conductive polymer. The price of solid-state electrolytic capacitor should be determined according to the model, size and other parameters. The specific price can be consulted with Hongbao electronic customer service.


  There is a trick to distinguish solid-state capacitor from electrolytic capacitor, that is, if there are "K" or "cross" and "t" shaped indentation tank on the top of electrolytic capacitor, it means electrolytic capacitor; if not, it is solid-state capacitor. However, this method can only be used to identify most solid-state capacitors. If it is a very important application project, it should be checked carefully Find out the dielectric material of the capacitor to distinguish. Solid state capacitors and electrolytic capacitors are not good or bad. They have their own advantages and disadvantages. We should use them reasonably.



  The main reason is that when the temperature exceeds the boiling point of the electrolyte, the slurry will burst when the temperature exceeds the boiling point of the electrolyte. The appearance of the solid-state electrolytic capacitor can effectively avoid this shortcoming. Moreover, the solid-state electrolytic capacitor has the characteristics of environmental protection, low resistance and long service life.


  As the solid state capacitor uses conductive polymer products as dielectric materials, the material will not react with alumina and will not explode after being electrified; at the same time, it is a solid product, so there will be no explosion due to thermal expansion.


  Because the solid-state capacitance is much better than the liquid aluminum capacitor, the solid-state capacitor has a temperature resistance of 260 degrees, good conductivity, frequency characteristics and service life. It is suitable for low-voltage and high-current applications. It is mainly used in digital products such as thin-film DVD, projector and industrial computer, and is widely used in computer board products in recent years.


  In terms of electrical performance, the biggest advantage of solid-state electrolytic capacitor is that it does not use liquid electrolyte, so it is not easy to "bulge" and "burst" when heated. It has a long service life and good thermal stability, which is suitable for high-frequency working environment; the latter is cheap, large capacity and high withstand voltage value.

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