
0531-8228 6666
作者:電解電容廠家 來源:http://m.315index.cn 日期:2020-08-17 09:21 瀏覽


  47 μ f / 100V capacitors are basically aluminum electrolytic capacitors. Electrolytic capacitor manufacturers found that the high-frequency performance of this kind of capacitor is poor, and the capacitance is not very stable. Moreover, the electrolytic capacitor with voltage withstand value of 100V is generally large. In the circuit, this kind of capacitor is generally used as high-voltage filter capacitor or coupling capacitor.


  Although some ultra-low frequency oscillation circuit or timing circuit will use 47 μ f electrolytic capacitor, the working voltage of this kind of circuit is generally low, that is, the electrolytic capacitor with 47 μ f will not be selected with such high withstand voltage value, because when the capacitance is the same, the higher the withstand voltage value is, the larger the volume will be.



  This 47 μ f / 100V electrolytic capacitor is commonly used in filter circuit and coupling circuit with high power supply voltage. In the RC step-down LED drive circuit as shown in the above figure, a filter capacitor with tens of μ f is generally connected at both ends of the LED lamp bead. If the driving circuit drives more than ten white LED beads in series, the filter capacitor C2 generally selects the filter capacitor with voltage withstand value of 100V, and its capacity is mostly 10-47 μ F.  


  In cooperation with many manufacturers, electrolytic capacitor manufacturers have found that 47 μ f / 100V electrolytic capacitor will be used in some high-voltage AC amplifiers in measuring instruments if resistance capacitance coupling is adopted.

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