
0531-8228 6666
作者:紅寶電容 來源:http://m.315index.cn 日期:2020-08-15 09:19 瀏覽


  With the global advocacy of low-carbon environmental protection and green travel, more advanced and more environmentally friendly thin-film capacitors are gradually on the stage of the times.


  As a basic electronic component, thin film capacitors are widely used in lighting, household appliances, automobiles, solar energy, wind energy and other new energy fields, among which lighting is the main business field of most domestic manufacturers.


  LED technology is becoming more and more mature, and more and more fluorescent lamps are replaced by LED light sources. Because the amount of thin-film capacitors in LED lamps is very small, almost all of them are used for LEDs above 8W, so the market of thin-film capacitors in lighting field begins to shrink.


  With the continuous expansion of the global thin film capacitor industry, China has begun to become the leading force. According to the statistics of the information center of China electronic components industry association, the global production of thin film capacitors is mainly concentrated in Europe and the United States, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and other regions. With the rapid development of China's economy and global procurement, the output value of China's film capacitor market accounts for 42% of the global market value, ranking first in the world.


  According to statistics, in 2016, the largest regional market of thin film capacitors in China is East China, with an output value of about 4.14 billion yuan, accounting for 48.75% of the total market. In addition, the output value of South China and Northeast China reached 1.44 billion yuan and 1.14 billion yuan respectively. Generally speaking, the regional distribution of China's film capacitor industry is very unbalanced. North China, Northwest China and southwest China account for only 11% of the total, while East China and South China account for about 65% of the total.


  The development prospect of thin film capacitor is still huge, because it has the advantages of non polarity, high voltage resistance, wide frequency response, good temperature characteristics and so on. It is widely used in the field of converter circuit such as rectifier, inverter, inverter and so on.

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