
0531-8228 6666
分類 系列/型號 適用電線直徑 反復嵌合 電纜夾強度 防塵防水功能 耐腐蝕 查看詳情 pdf下載
防水類型 FO-BD7系列 (散熱設計的戶外耐環境性防水光連接器) 5 mm 嵌合部:50次 LC連接器部:100次 100 N 以上 IP67 (嵌合時) 鹽霧測試1000小時 查看
FO-BD6 Series (SFP Direct Connection Waterproof Connector) 5.0 mm 500 times 100 N min. IP67 (When mated) 1000 hours in salt mist 查看
FO-BD2 Series (SFP Direct Connection Waterproof Connector) Diameter 7.0 mm (Standard diameter) (FO-BD2-P Plug), Diameter 5.86 to 7.2 mm (FO-BD2-P-V2 Plug), Diameter 8.5 to 10.0 mm (FO-BD2-P-V4 Plug) 500 times 100 N min., (when each plug is applicable maximum cable diameter) IP67 (When mated) 720 hours of salt spray 查看
FO-BH Series (Outdoor Waterproof Optical Connector) Device inner side: LC connector (IEC 61754-20 compliant) 1 optical fiber/ 2 optical fibers 0.5 dB max./ connection 40 dB min. (SM10/ 125: AdPC polished), 25 dB min (GI50/ 125: PC polished) 200 N min., (When tension member of cable center is fixed to plug) 查看
FO-BC Series (Outdoor Waterproof Optical Connector) Device inner side, Plug mating area: LC connector (IEC 61754-20 compliant) 2 optical fibers 0.5 dB max./ connection 40 dB min. (SM10/ 125: AdPC polished), 25 dB min (GI50/ 125: PC polished) 200 N min., (When tension member of cable center is fixed to plug) 查看
非防水類型 Changeable Receptacle (Optical Connector) 2.5005 ± 0.0005 mm dia. 1000 times * Supports FC, SC and ST types. For other types, please contact us directly. * For information on products compatible with angle PCs, please contact us directly. * Various configurations of the element mounting parts for the rear shell are available 查看
FO-FC Series Optical Connector 125 μm quarts single mode, quarts multiple mode quarts single mode: 0.5 dB max., quarts multiple mode: 0.3 dB max. quarts single mode: 27 dB min., quarts multiple mode: 25 dB min. quarts single mode: 40 dB min. 查看
PF/CF Series Optical Connector PF series: 1000 μm, CF series: 230 μm, 1000 μm multiple mode 2.0 dB max. (Excluding fiber transmission loss.) The specification shown above (connection loss) is for the case harnessed at JAE. 查看
FO-LC Series Optical Connector 125 μm quarts single mode, quarts multiple mode quarts single mode: 0.5 dB max., quarts multiple mode: 0.3 dB max. quarts single mode: 27 dB min., quarts multiple mode: 25 dB min. quarts single mode: 40 dB min. 查看
FO-SC Series Optical Connector 125 μm quarts single mode, quarts multiple mode quarts single mode: 0.5 dB max., quarts multiple mode: 0.3 dB max. quarts single mode: 27 dB min., quarts multiple mode: 25 dB min. quarts single mode: 40 dB min. 查看
FO-EX Series Optical Connector (SC type ) 0.4 dB max. (when master plug is mated) 500 mating cycle -40 Deg. C to +85 Deg. C 查看
PF/CF Series Optical connector (Easy-Disconnect type) 2.0 dB max. (when mated with F07 type relay adaptor), Not including fiber transmission loss., Value for the cable assembled by JAE -20 deg. C to +70 deg. C 500 times 查看
適配器 Cleanable Adapters (Optical Connector) 0.4 dB max. (Note 1) 1000 times (Note 1) (Note 1) Front shell: in the case of FC and SC types., For other types, please contact JAE sales department. 查看
有源光纜 RP04 Series (Hybrid AOC for High-speed Transmission & Power supply) Transmission speed: 10Gbps/Line, Line: 4 (Max.), Interface: CML Signal, AOC driving voltage: 3.3V, Fiber Optical: GOF (Wavelength 850nm) 6 Lines (Max.) Line: 4 Lines, Rated current: 2 A (Total) 100 m (Only transmission of fiber optic is prescribed) 0.3 W (One side) 查看
請撥打銷售熱線 0531-8228 6666,或讓我們聯系您!
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