
0531-8228 6666
作者:電解電容廠家 來源:http://m.315index.cn 日期:2020-09-30 11:30 瀏覽


  External factors have great influence on the characteristics and life of aluminum electrolytic capacitors. According to the experience of capacitor manufacturers, the main influencing factors are as follows;

  1、 頻率太高。通過電容器的電流I=2π FCV,隨所加頻率的增加,再加上表層效應,電極的有效面積與頻率的平方根成反比,所以若加以超額頻率,電解電容因過熱而導致不良。

  1. Too high frequency. The current through the capacitor I = 2 π FCV. With the increase of frequency and the surface effect, the effective area of electrode is inversely proportional to the square root of frequency.

  2、 電壓過高。使用電路的電壓長期超過該電容本身的額定電壓,不僅會縮短電容的使用壽命,并會有雜音,嚴重者電容會爆炸。

  2. The voltage is too high. If the voltage of the circuit exceeds the rated voltage of the capacitor itself for a long time, it will not only shorten the service life of the capacitor, but also cause noise, and in serious cases, the capacitor will explode.


  3、 高溫環(huán)境:絕緣電阻變低,易產生擊穿或壽命變短,一旦高溫,其串聯(lián)電阻會增大而縮短壽命。

  3. High temperature environment: low insulation resistance, easy to produce breakdown or short life, once high temperature, its series resistance will increase and shorten life.

  4、 高濕度環(huán)境:高濕度會使外層絕緣物吸濕而造成絕緣不良或正極引出端子因高濕度與鋁殼(作為電容負極)相通形成短路。

  4. High humidity environment: high humidity will make the outer insulation moisture absorption, resulting in poor insulation or short circuit between the positive lead-in terminal and the aluminum shell (as the negative electrode of capacitor) due to high humidity.

  5、 低氣壓環(huán)境:電容之靜電容量會因氣壓的高低而變化。

  5. Low pressure environment: the electrostatic capacity of the capacitor varies with the air pressure.

  6、 電容本身機械壓力過大:外加機械壓力,電解內壓驟增,電容內部之電解液外漏,不僅會導致電容本體性能劣化,更會使電容附近之零部件腐蝕受損。

  6. The mechanical pressure of the capacitor itself is too high: the external mechanical pressure, the sudden increase of electrolytic internal pressure, and the leakage of electrolyte inside the capacitor will not only lead to the deterioration of the performance of the capacitor itself, but also cause the corrosion damage of the parts near the capacitor.

請撥打銷售熱線 0531-8228 6666,或讓我們聯(lián)系您!
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