
0531-8228 6666
作者:紅寶電容 來源:http://m.315index.cn 日期:2020-08-19 10:09 瀏覽

  抓住車輛電動化這一商機而研發的新型產品車載用薄膜電容,用于控制電動化車款,包含:EV、插電式油電混合車 PHV 和油電混合車 HV、驅動馬達的逆變器(inverter),和其他電容相比能處理高電壓、大電流。

  Taking advantage of the business opportunity of vehicle electrification, a new type of film capacitor for vehicle is developed, which is used to control the electric vehicle, including EV, PHV of plug-in hybrid vehicle and HV of hybrid vehicle, inverter of driving motor. Compared with other capacitors, it can handle high voltage and large current.

  全球車載用薄膜電容市場 Panasonic 掌控 70% 市占率。隨著全球電動化車款銷售量將擴大,進而會增大對車載用薄膜電容的需求量,加快促進車載用的薄膜電容的技術創新,為薄膜電容的發展及應用奠定基礎。

  Panasonic controls 70% of the global market for automotive film capacitors. With the global sales of electric vehicles will expand, which will increase the demand for on-board film capacitors, accelerate the technical innovation of automotive thin-film capacitors, and lay a foundation for the development and application of thin-film capacitors.



  The major research achievements and technological breakthroughs in the film capacitor industry are of great positive significance for speeding up the process of domestic film capacitor frontier technology exploration and industrial application development, promoting the close integration of thin film capacitor technology with electronic information, new energy and other related industries, and improving the competitiveness of thin film capacitor industry.


  Driven by the expansion of market demand, it is estimated that the market demand of automotive thin film capacitors will surpass that of previous years and become the mainstream application capacitor components in vehicle electrification industry.


  Compared with other thin film capacitor manufacturers, they pay more attention to the existing needs of customers in product diversity. Shandong Hongbao Electronic Co., Ltd. has always kept updating its products, providing high-quality products and professional customer service team to meet the needs of customers.

請撥打銷售熱線 0531-8228 6666,或讓我們聯系您!
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