
0531-8228 6666
作者:紅寶電子 來源:m.315index.cn 日期:2023-04-26 13:18 瀏覽


  Electrolytic capacitor is a common electronic component in the circuit. Sanhe brand electrolytic capacitor is a Korean brand capacitor with high cost performance. Its main uses in the circuit are energy storage, power filter, DC isolation, coupling, compensation, etc. Today, I would like to share with you a simple method to check whether the electrolytic capacitor is intact.



  First, check whether there is any problem with the appearance of the capacitor, such as bulge or leakage, and replace it immediately! Even if it can still be used normally, its performance is obviously degraded, which has a great hidden danger!


  Using the buzzer of the multimeter to detect, this method can only roughly judge whether the capacitor is short circuited, because it is also very common for the capacitor to fail and short circuited. When measuring the capacitance at both ends, the multimeter starts to beep and disappears after a period of time, indicating that the capacitance is not short circuited; If the buzzer keeps ringing, it indicates that the capacitor is short circuited. It is said that the buzzer will occur during the measurement because the capacitor is charged to form a current, and the buzzer will stop when the charging is completed.


  Directly use the capacitance of the multimeter to measure its capacitance value. If the deviation is far more than 20%, the capacitance has deteriorated.


  You can also use the resistance gear of the multimeter to measure. Normally, there will be a digital display at the beginning of the measurement, and then slowly increase the value until the resistance is larger (usually more than several hundred K Ω). If the displayed resistance value is always very small, it indicates that there is almost a short circuit; If the number displayed at the moment of measurement is always more than a few hundred K Ω and almost unchanged, it indicates that the capacitance has deteriorated。

請撥打銷售熱線 0531-8228 6666,或讓我們聯系您!
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